Apocalyptica - Enter the Sandman (Orignally By Metallica)

Apocalyptica Fade To Black (originally By Metallica)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Having fun wid Relatives

Hey I'm having fun with my relatives in Bhopal(The capital of Madhya Pradesh,A state in India)

The weather over here's very pleasant,the kind where u don't wanna wake up from sleep,or if u do, spend the whole day just riding your mobike from one place to another without stopping, or

jus' laze the day away.

The day before yesterday, we went to this place they call the boat club.It's a place beside a huge lake called the Bhopal lake.We were originally suposed to go on a ten minute ride on a speed boat,but we changed or minds at the last minute when we found that the steamer which is usually overbooked for cruises.It was supposed to be very good,'cos neither my cousins or i had ever been on it,so we were goin by what my uncle told us.

The steamer docked and we made a line like "civilised"people(Actually i think that by our own standards animals are more civilised!!!)

Then the guy manning the entry gate into the steamer made a fatal mistake:He let a group of tourists in who did not hav to join the line,didn't have tickets,before he let us,the guys in the line with tickets,in.

Needless to say,Everyone was so angry at him, that they started to tear him apart.

But i was sorry for the guy,u know!!The poor guy was,in all probability was jus' following orders from his boss!!!

Any way after that bit of unleasantness, we all got on the boat,n we took the best seats:)

Then the steamer starts up n goes out of the harbour,n the guy on the music console starts songs from the era of my great grandpa!!!!!

Man i almost fell asleep on the cruise!!! I went up to the guy n asked him to play something from this century,n he obliged,playing popular hindi songs.Atlast we started to enjoy the cruise.

Anyway after that we went to a restaurant,ordered good food.As soon as we went into the restaurant the elctircity went off!!! We had to have a candlelight dinner!!!!!
Then the rain came.Man it rained!!The roads were flooded!! On top of it my elder uncle,who has just learned to drive,backed his car into an excavation pit!!!! The end result was that he had one wheel hanging in free air,n the car tilted at a ridiculous angle!!
My brother n I had to go in to th pit n push upwards while uncle put the car in forward first gear n pulled the car out on the firm road!!!!

The Next day my parents went off to Delhi,n I am going on the 17th,which i suspect is tomorow.

ok guys, i'll hav to go now.
PS: My sister went to look at the cut off lists n i am pleased to say that she got thru in the college!!!!!!
so we r goin out as a celebration!!!!


Anonymous said...

oh wow, such a busy day :D
Very odd, but very full and seems like fun :)
*hugs to your sister*

Anonymous said...

You're very sweet, i do love you from the moment we met :)

X said...

Thank you!*bows*

Just started bloging didja?
well keep writing!