Apocalyptica - Enter the Sandman (Orignally By Metallica)

Apocalyptica Fade To Black (originally By Metallica)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Castle Falls HDR (Castlefalls-DSC_2860.jpg)

this is an image i found on Flickr. isn't it a beautiful image?
even though it's the result of Photoshop,according to what the author says,it still takes my breath away,n makes me wish i lived in a place where sights like this are possible.
I live in a city n it's so congested that i feel smothered.

The truth about my self

I am going to classes, coming back, studying what i do in the classes, go out with friends,do everything ,in short that every one does.

And to escape the monotony of life,i read mindless novels,fantasy novels,and am an internet junkie. every obe sees my false smiles n thinks that i am really happy.I'm not!!

On the net,i first check out my blog,then watch some videos on youtube,etc. but none of this takes me away from the monotony of life.
I hate the monotony of life.I am good at doing things on a computer,my parents think that i am enjoying life,but i am not.

i am just going thru the motions of life.
i know that what i will say next is shocking,but i don't care for anyone!!
i know that if some one who knows me reads this,they will be shocked and leave me,but i feel that i need to get it out of my system,my mind.My very soul cries out for me to atleast care for someone,but whom? when my sister told me a guy was stalking her, i showed i was angry and told the guy to fuck off,but i didn't feel any anger,i was just detached from the world,as i am detached now.
it's like i am watching this from above,and watch my body react with the expected reactions.

Am i a zombie?is that right or wrong??i don't know.

all i know that i want to escape the world,i don't want to live in this world. In the words of Robbie Williams's excellent song,Feel,"I don't want to die,But ain't i keen on living either."am i a zombie? who knows, maybe i am.i fake feelings for a girl,but i don't have feelings for anyone.is that shocking?i feel empty inside for almost as long as i can remember.

is it some thing that i feel alone?Y do i feel empty is a question i've never asked,but was forced to ask this when i read this post on the blog of a person i respect.:http://cruelvirgin.blogspot.com/do read it, it's very thought provoking.Atleast it did provoke this post.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Y die??

Die for your country, they say
Die for your beliefs,they say
Die for your family,they say


Y not live for your country?
Y not live for your beliefs?
Y not live for your family?

what is this bug that people have in their minds?

Y die?

It's not that those who die are not gallant,
They are,
But those who live,too, are gallant.
living takes as much courage as dying,if not more.

A person who has died for his belief,
Will have his name in the annals of history,

A person who lives and fights for his beliefs is maligned as a traitor.
Yet he fights on,believing in himself,
As his name is trashed everywhere.
This is a person to be truly revered.

Do people think him wrong?Yes
Does he think hiomself wrong?No
And thus is born the root of all conflict.

weird wanderings of my mind!!!!

Hey guys this is something i wrote in the middle of my SOM class!!!!

Friendship is an illusion,
u talk to people with a false smile pasted on ur face,
while u r dying inside,
ur mind,ur very soul is poisoned inside,
u think that a person is nice,
all the while she has a hidden aenda ,
she thinks only of herself.

Trust?What is trust?
The person who trusts is a idiot,
Brother killing brother,
Girls raped by their own fathers,
Children throwing out parents,
It's a weird,weird world.

Y make a promise u know u can't keep??
Y put a person on a pedestal & then knock him down for no fault of theirs?

Times change everything,they say.
Does it?
All the things people go panting after,
tongues hanging out like dogs.
It really bears thinking,
Does all tis really bring happiness??
Or do u,once u reach the top,feel lonely??

Everyone knows u,But no one KNOWS U!!!!
U have everything you want,But nothing u need

Love?What is love?
I don't know,
All i know is that those who get it are very lucky.

The biggest idiot is the who has it and is yet unhappy!!
There is nothing greater than that,Fool!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Professor!!!!!!

This happened to me yesterday.It's my preparation leave goin on, i might add.

We have a professor called S.S.Kadam.The guy is the biggest assfole i have ever met,but this has redefined the heights of his meanness!!!!

This guy was on leave during the time we had to get our Machine Drawing sheets checked.

When he returned it was the Prep Leave,and he called us yesterday at 9 am to check our sheets.

When we reached the college we found that he hadn't reached there yet.So we decided to wait for him. In the end he did show his bloody face,but told us to wait for a minute while he went to mark his attendance.

We waited.And waited.And kept on waiting.The guy returned after 2 hours(1pm) and told us to wait for another minute while he had his lunch.

The guy then dissappeared and returned after 2 hours again to tell us to wait for him, he would be returning in 2 minutes.

Then he dissapeared and returned with a laptop and told us that he couldn't check our sheets after all!!!!!

He wasted a whole day of ours and then told us to return the day after tomorow!!!!!!

If he could not check our sheets that day he could have just told us,instead of wasting a whole day of ours!!!!our exams start in 20 days, and the asshole wasted one precious day of ours!!!!!

I could have prepared a topic in that time!!!!

just a rant i needed to get out of my system.

i give him a kick up the ass!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

About Hinduisim(from Wikipedia)


Hinduism (known as Hindū Dharma in modern Indian languages[1]) is a religious tradition[2] that originated in the Indian subcontinent. In contemporary usage Hinduism is also sometimes referred to as Sanātana Dharma (सनातन धर्म), a Sanskrit phrase meaning "eternal law".[3]
Hinduism, many of whose origins can be traced to the ancient Vedic civilization,[4] is the world's oldest extant religion.[5][6] A conglomerate of diverse beliefs and traditions, Hinduism has no single founder.[7][8] It is also the world's third largest religion following Christianity and Islam, with approximately a billion adherents, of whom about 905 million live in India and Nepal.[9] Other countries with large Hindu populations include Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mauritius, Fiji, Suriname, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.
Hinduism contains a vast body of scriptures. Divided as revealed and remembered and developed over millennia, these scriptures expound on theology, philosophy and mythology, providing spiritual insights and guidance on the practice of dharma (religious living). In the orthodox view, among such texts, the Vedas and the Upanishads are the foremost in authority, importance and antiquity. Other major scriptures include the Tantras, the sectarian Agamas, the Purāṇas and the epics Mahābhārata and Rāmāyaṇa. The Bhagavad Gītā, a treatise excerpted from the Mahābhārata, is sometimes called a summary of the spiritual teachings of the Vedas.

Hinduism is an extremely diverse religion. Although some tenets of the faith are accepted by most Hindus, scholars have found it difficult to identify any doctrines with universal acceptance among all denominations.[13] Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include Dharma (ethics/duties), Samsāra (The continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth), Karma (action and subsequent reaction), Moksha (liberation from samsara), and the various yogas (paths or practices).
Concept of God
Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism,[14] panentheism, pantheism, monism and atheism. It is sometimes referred to as henotheistic (devotion to a single "God" while accepting the existence of other gods), but any such term is an oversimplification of the complexities and variations of belief.[15]
Most Hindus believe that the spirit or soul—the true "self" of every person, called the ātman—is eternal.[16] According to the monistic/pantheistic theologies of Hinduism (such as Advaita Vedanta school), this Atman is ultimately indistinct from Brahman, the supreme spirit. Brahman is described as "The One Without a Second;" hence these schools are called "non-dualist."[17] The goal of life according to the Advaita school is to realize that one's atman (soul) is identical to Brahman, the supreme soul.[18] The Upanishads state that whoever becomes fully aware of the ātman as the innermost core of one's own self, realises their identity with Brahman and thereby reaches Moksha (liberation or freedom)[16][19][20]
Other schools (for example, Dvaita Vedanta) and other (bhakti) schools, understand Brahman as a Supreme Being who possesses personality. In these conceptions, Brahman is associated with deities such as Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva or Shakti depending on the sect. The ātman is dependent on God while Moksha depends on love towards God and on God's grace.[21] When God is viewed as the supreme personal being (rather than as the infinite principle) God is called Ishvara ("The Lord"[22]), Bhagavan ("The Auspicious One"[22]), or Parameshwara ("The Supreme Lord"[22]).[17] However, interpretations of Ishvara vary—ranging from non-belief such as followers of Mimamsakas, in Ishvara to identifying Brahman and Ishvara as one as in Advaita.[17][23] There are also schools like the Samkhya which have atheistic leanings.[24]
Devas and avatars
The Hindu scriptures refer to celestial entities, called Devas (or devī in feminine form; devatā used synonymously for Deva in Hindi means 'divinity' in Sanskrit), "the shining ones", which may be translated into English as "gods" or "heavenly beings".[25] The devas are an integral part of Hindu culture and are depicted in art, architecture and through icons, and mythological stories about them are related in the scriptures, particularly in the Itihasa and Puranas. They are however often distinguished from Ishvara, a supreme personal God, with many Hindus worshiping Ishvara in a particular form as their iṣṭa devatā, or chosen ideal;[26][27] the choice being based upon their individual preference,[28] and regional and family traditions.[28]
Hindu epics and the Puranas relate several episodes of the descent of God to Earth in corporeal form, in order to restore dharma in society and guide humans to moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth). Such an incarnation is called an avatar. The most prominent avatars are of Vishnu, and include Rama (protagonist in Ramayana) and Krishna (a central figure in the epic Mahabharata).
Karma, samsara and moksha
Karma translates literally as action, work or deed[29] and can be described as the "moral law of cause and effect".[30] According to the Upanishads, an individual, known as the jiva-atma, develops sanskaras (impressions) from actions, whether physical or mental. The "linga sharira", a body more subtle than the physical one, but less subtle than the soul, retains impressions, carrying them over into the next life, establishing a unique trajectory for the individual.[31] Thus, the concept of a universal, neutral and never-failing karma intrinsically relates to reincarnation as well as one's personality, characteristics and family. Karma threads together the notions of free will and destiny.
This cycle of action, reaction, birth, death, and rebirth is a continuum called samsara. The notion of reincarnation and karma is a strong premise in Hindu thought. The Bhagavad Gita states that:
As a person puts on new clothes and discards old and torn clothes, similarly an embodied soul enters new material bodies, leaving the old bodies.(B.G. 2:22)[32]
Samsara provides ephemeral pleasures, which lead people to desire rebirth to enjoy the pleasures of a perishable body. However, escaping the world of samsara through moksha (liberation) is believed to ensure lasting happiness and peace.[33][34] It is thought that after several reincarnations, an atman eventually seeks unity with the cosmic spirit (Brahman/Paramatman).
The ultimate goal of life, referred to as moksha, nirvana or samadhi, is described as the realization of one's union with God; realization of one's eternal relationship with God; realization of the unity of all existence; perfect unselfishness and knowledge of the Self; liberation from ignorance; attainment of perfect mental peace; or detachment from worldly desires. Such a realization liberates one from samsara and ends the cycle of rebirth.[35][36] The exact conceptualization of moksha differs among the various Hindu schools of thought. For example, Advaita Vedanta holds that after attaining moksha an atman no longer identifies itself with an individual but as identical with Brahman in all respects. The followers of Dvaita (dualistic) schools identify themselves as part of Brahman and after attaining moksha expect to spend eternity in a loka (heaven),[37] in the company of their chosen form of Ishvara. Thus, it is said, the followers of dvaita wish to "taste sugar," while the followers of Advaita wish to "become sugar."[38]
The goals of life
Classical Hindu thought accepts two main life-long dharmas: Grihastha Dharma and Sannyasin Dharma.
The Grihastha Dharma recognize four goals known as the puruṣhārthas. They are:
kāma: Sensual pleasure and enjoyment
artha: Material prosperity and success
dharma: Following the laws and rules that an individual lives under [citation needed]
moksha: Liberation from the cycle of samsara[39][40]
Among these, dharma and moksha play a special role:[40] dharma must dominate an individual's pursuit of kama and artha while seeing moksha, at the horizon.
The Sannyasin Dharma recognizes, but renounces Kama, Artha and Dharma, focusing entirely on Moksha. As described below, the Grihasthi eventually enters this stage. However, some enter this stage immediately from whichever stage they may be in.


Swami Vivekananda, shown here practicing meditation, was a Hindu guru (teacher) recognized for his inspiring lectures on topics such as yoga.
In whatever way a Hindu defines the goal of life, there are several methods (yogas) that sages have taught for reaching that goal. A practitioner of yoga is called a yogi. Texts dedicated to Yoga include the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and, as their philosophical and historical basis, the Upanishads. Paths one can follow to achieve the spiritual goal of life (moksha, samadhi, or nirvana) include:
Bhakti Yoga (the path of love and devotion),
Karma Yoga (the path of right action),
Rāja Yoga (the path of meditation) and
Jñāna Yoga (the path of wisdom).[41]
An individual may prefer one yoga over others according to his or her inclination and understanding. For instance some devotional schools teach that bhakti is the only practical path to achieve spiritual perfection for most people, based on their belief that the world is currently in the age of Kali yuga (one of four epochs part of the Yuga cycle).[42] Practice of one yoga does not exclude others. Many schools believe that the different yogas naturally blend into and aid other yogas. For example, the practice of jnana yoga, is thought to inevitably lead to pure love (the goal of bhakti yoga), and vice versa.[43] Someone practicing deep meditation (such as in raja yoga) must embody the core principles of karma yoga, jnana yoga and bhakti yoga, whether directly or indirectly.[41][44]
The earliest evidence for elements of Hinduism date back to the late Neolithic to the early Harappan period (5500–2600BCE).[45][46][47][48] The beliefs and practices of the pre-classical era (1500–500BCE) are called the "historical Vedic religion". Modern Hinduism grew out of the Vedas, the oldest of which is the Rigveda, dated to 1700–1100BCE.[49] The Vedas center on worship of deities such as Indra, Varuna and Agni, and on the Soma ritual. They performed fire-sacrifices, called yajña and chanted Vedic mantras but did not build temples or icons. The oldest Vedic traditions exhibit strong similarities to Zoroastrianism and with other Indo-European religions.[50] During the Epic and Puranic periods, the earliest versions of the epic poems Ramayana and Mahabharata were written roughly from 500–100BCE,[51] although these were orally transmitted for centuries prior to this period.[52] The epics contain mythological stories about the rulers and wars of ancient India, and are interspersed with religious and philosophical treatises. The later Puranas recount tales about devas and devis, their interactions with humans and their battles against demons.
Three key events underpinned the nascence of a new epoch in Hindu thought. These were the Upanishads, Mahavira (founder of Jainism) and the Buddha (founder of Buddhism).[53] The Upanishads, Mahavira and Buddha taught that to achieve moksha or nirvana, one did not have to accept the authority of the Vedas or the caste system; [citation needed] Buddha went a step further and claimed that the existence of a Self/soul or God was unnecessary.[54] Buddhism and Jainism adapted elements of Hinduism into their beliefs. Buddhism (or at least Buddhistic Hinduism) peaked during the reign of Asoka the Great of the Mauryan Empire, who unified the Indian subcontinent in the 3rd century BCE. After 200CE, several schools of thought were formally codified in Indian philosophy, including Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Purva-Mimamsa and Vedanta.[55] Charvaka, the founder of an atheistic materialist school, came to the fore in North India in the sixth century BCE.[56] Between 400BCE and 1000CE, Hinduism expanded at the expense of Buddhism.[57]
Though Islam came to India in the early 7th century with the advent of Arab traders and the conquest of Sindh, it started to become a major religion during the later Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent.[56] During this period Buddhism declined rapidly and many Hindus converted to Islam. Some Muslim rulers such as Aurangzeb destroyed Hindu temples and persecuted non-Muslims, while others, such as Akbar, were more tolerant. Hinduism underwent profound changes in large part due to the influence of the prominent teachers Ramanuja, Madhva, and Chaitanya.[56] Followers of the Bhakti movement moved away from the abstract concept of Brahman, which the philosopher Adi Shankara consolidated a few centuries before, with emotional, passionate devotion towards the more accessible avatars, especially Krishna and Rama.[58]
Indology as an academic discipline of studying Indian culture from a European perspective was established in the 19th century, led by scholars such as Max Müller and John Woodroffe. They brought Vedic, Puranic and Tantric literature and philosophy to Europe and the United States. At the same time, societies such as the Brahmo Samaj and the Theosophical Society attempted to reconcile and fuse Abrahamic and Dharmic philosophies, endeavouring to institute societal reform. This period saw the emergence of movements which, while highly innovative, were rooted in indigenous tradition. They were based on the personalities and teachings of individuals, as with Shri Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi. Prominent Hindu philosophers, including Sri Aurobindo and Swami Prabhupada (founder of ISKCON), translated, reformulated and presented Hinduism's foundational texts for contemporary audiences in new iterations, attracting followers and attention in India and abroad. Others such as Swami Vivekananda, Paramahansa Yogananda, B.K.S. Iyengar and Swami Rama have also been instrumental in raising the profiles of Yoga and Vedanta in the West.

Scriptures and theology
Hinduism is based on "the accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different persons in different times."[59][60] The scriptures were transmitted orally in verse form to aid memorization, for many centuries before they were written down.[61][45] Over many centuries, sages refined the teachings and expanded the canon. In post-Vedic and current Hindu belief, most Hindu scriptures are not typically interpreted literally. More importance is attached to the ethics and metaphorical meanings derived from them.[45] Most sacred texts are in Sanskrit. The texts are classified into two classes: Shruti and Smriti.
Shruti (lit: that which is heard) refers to the Vedas which form the earliest record of the Hindu scriptures. While many Hindus revere the Vedas as eternal truths revealed to ancient sages (Ṛṣis),[60][62] some devotees do not associate the creation of the Vedas with a God or person. They are thought of as the laws of the spiritual world, which would still exist even if they were not revealed to the sages.[63][59][64] Hindus believe that because the spiritual truths of the Vedas are eternal, they continue to be expressed in new ways.[65]
There are four Vedas (called Ṛg-, Sāma- Yajus- and Atharva-). The Rigveda is the first and most important Veda.[66] Each Veda is divided into four parts: the primary one, the Veda proper, being the Saṃhitā, which contains sacred mantras. The other three parts form a three-tier ensemble of commentaries, usually in prose and are believed to be slightly later in age than the Saṃhitā. These are: the Brāhmaṇas, Āraṇyakas, and the Upanishads. The first two parts were subsequently called the Karmakāṇḍa (ritualistic portion), while the last two form the Jñānakāṇḍa (knowledge portion).[67][68][69] While the Vedas focus on rituals, the Upanishads focus on spiritual insight and philosophical teachings, and discuss Brahman and reincarnation.[45][70][71]
Hindu texts other than the Shrutis are collectively called the Smritis (memory).[72] The most notable of the smritis are the Itihāsa (epics), which consist of the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyaṇa. Bhagavad Gītā is an integral part of the Mahabharata and one of the most popular sacred texts of Hinduism. It contains philosophical teachings from Krishna, an incarnation of Vishnu, told to the prince Arjuna on the eve of a great war. The Bhagavad Gītā is described as the essence of the Vedas.[73] The Smritis also include the Purāṇas, which illustrate Hindu ideas through vivid narratives. There are texts with a sectarian nature such as Devī Mahātmya, the Tantras, the Yoga Sutras, Tirumantiram, Shiva Sutras and the Hindu Āgamas. A more controversial text, the Manusmriti, is a prescriptive lawbook which epitomizes the societal codes of the caste system.
Hindu practices generally involve seeking awareness of God and sometimes also seeking blessings from Devas. Therefore, Hinduism has developed numerous practices meant to help one think of divinity in the midst of everyday life. Hindus can engage in pūjā (worship or veneration),[22]) either at home or at a temple. At home, Hindus often create a shrine with icons dedicated to the individual's chosen form(s) of God. Temples are usually dedicated to a primary deity along with associated subordinate deities though some commemorate multiple deities. Visiting temples is not obligatory,[74] In fact, many visit temples only during religious festivals. Hindus perform their worship through icons (murtis). The icon serves as a tangible link between the worshipper and God.[75] The image is often considered a manifestation of God, since God is immanent. The Padma Purana states that the mūrti is not to be thought of as mere stone or wood but as a manifest form of the Divinity.[76] A few Hindu sects, such as the Ārya Samāj, do not believe in worshiping God through icons. Hinduism has a developed system of symbolism and iconography to represent the sacred in art, architecture, literature and worship. These symbols gain their meaning from the scriptures, mythology, or cultural traditions. The syllable Om (which represents the Parabrahman) and the Swastika sign (which symbolizes auspiciousness) have grown to represent Hinduism itself, while other markings such as tilaka identify a follower of the faith. Hinduism associates many symbols, which include the lotus, chakra and veena, with particular deities.
Mantras are invocations, praise and prayers that through their meaning, sound, and chanting style help a devotee focus the mind on holy thoughts or express devotion to God/the deities. Many devotees perform morning ablutions at the bank of a sacred river while chanting the Gayatri Mantra or Mahamrityunjaya mantras. The epic Mahabharata extolls Japa (ritualistic chanting) as the greatest duty in the Kali Yuga (what Hindus believe to be the current age). Many adopt Japa as their primary spiritual practice.
Rituals and ceremonies
The vast majority of Hindus engage in religious rituals on a daily basis.[77] Most Hindus observe religious rituals at home.[78] However, observation of rituals greatly vary among regions, villages, and individuals. Devout Hindus perform daily chores such as worshiping at the dawn after bathing (usually at a family shrine, and typically includes lighting a lamp and offering foodstuffs before the images of deities), recitation from religious scripts, singing devotional hymns, meditation, chanting mantras, reciting scriptures etc.[78] A notable feature in religious ritual is the division between purity and pollution. Religious acts presuppose some degree of impurity or defilement for the practitioner, which must be overcome or neutralised before or during ritual procedures. Purification, usually with water, is thus a typical feature of most religious action.[78] Other characteristics include a belief in the efficacy of sacrifice and concept of merit, gained through the performance of charity or good works, that will accumulate over time and reduce sufferings in the next world.[78] Vedic rites of fire-oblation (yajna) are now only occasional practices although they are highly revered in theory. In Hindu wedding and burial ceremonies, however, the yajña and chanting of Vedic mantras are still the norm.[79][80]
Occasions like birth, marriage, and death involve what are often elaborate sets of religious customs. In Hinduism, life-cycle rituals include Annaprashan (a baby's first intake of solid food), Upanayanam ("sacred thread ceremony" undergone by upper-caste youths), Shraadh (ritual of treating people to feasts in the name of the deceased).[81][82] For most people in India, the betrothal of the young couple and the exact date and time of the wedding are matters decided by the parents in consultation with astrologers.[81] On death, cremation is considered obligatory for all except sanyasis, hijra, and children under five. Cremation is typically performed by wrapping the corpse in cloth and burning it on a pyre.
Pilgrimage and festivals
Pilgrimage is not mandatory in Hinduism though many adherents undertake them. Hindus recognise several Indian holy cities, including Allahabad, Haridwar, Varanasi, and Vrindavan. Notable temple cities include Puri, which hosts a major Vaishnava Jagannath temple and Rath Yatra celebration; Tirumala - Tirupati, home to the Tirumala Venkateswara Temple; and Katra, home to the Vaishno Devi temple. The four holy sites Puri, Rameswaram, Dwarka, and Badrinath (or alternatively the Himalayan towns of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri) compose the Char Dham (four abodes) pilgrimage circuit. The Kumbh Mela (the "pitcher festival") is one of the holiest of Hindu pilgrimages that is held every four years; the location is rotated among Allahabad, Haridwar, Nashik, and Ujjain. Another important set of pilgrimages are the Shakti Peethas, where the Mother Goddess is worshipped, the two principal ones being Kalighat and Kamakhya.
Hinduism has many festivals throughout the year. The Hindu calendar usually prescribe their dates. The festivals typically celebrate events from Hindu mythology, often coinciding with seasonal changes. There are festivals which are primarily celebrated by specific sects or in certain regions of the Indian subcontinent. Some widely observed Hindu festivals are Dussera or Durga Puja, Diwali (the festival of lights), Ganesh Chaturthi, Maha Shivaratri, Ram Navami, Krishna Janmastami, Holi.

Hinduism has no central doctrinal authority and many practising Hindus do not claim to belong to any particular denomination.[83] However, academics categorize contemporary Hinduism into four major denominations: Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and Smartism. The denominations differ primarily in the God worshipped as the Supreme One and in the traditions that accompany worship of that God.
Vaishnavas worship Vishnu; Shaivites worship Shiva; Shaktas worship Shakti (power) personified through a female divinity or Mother Goddess, Devi; while Smartists believe in the essential sameness of all deities.
There are movements that are not easily placed in any of the above categories, such as Swami Dayananda Saraswati's Arya Samaj, which rejects image worship and veneration of multiple deities. It focuses on the Vedas and the Vedic fire sacrifices (yajña). The Tantric traditions have various sects, as Banerji observes:
Tantras are ... also divided as āstika or Vedic and nāstika or non-Vedic. In accordance with the predominance of the deity the āstika works are again divided as Śākta, Śaiva, Saura, Gāṇapatya and Vaiṣṇava.[84]
As in every religion, some view their own denomination as superior to others. However, many Hindus consider other denominations to be legitimate alternatives to their own. Heresy is therefore generally not an issue for Hindus.[85]
Traditionally the life of a Hindu is divided into four Āshramas (phases or stages; unrelated meanings include monastery).
The first part of one's life, Brahmacharya, the stage as a student, is spent in celibate, controlled, sober and pure contemplation under the guidance of a Guru, building up the mind for spiritual knowledge. Grihastha is the householder's stage, in which one marries and satisfies kāma and artha in one's married and professional life respectively (see the goals of life). The moral obligations of a Hindu householder include supporting one's parents, children, guests and holy figures. Vānaprastha, the retirement stage, is gradual detachment from the material world. This may involve giving over duties to one's children, spending more time in religious practices and embarking on holy pilgrimages. Finally, in Sannyāsa, the stage of asceticism, one renounces all worldly attachments to secludedly find the Divine through detachment from worldly life and peacefully shed the body for Moksha.[86]
Some Hindus choose to live a monastic life (Sannyāsa) in pursuit of liberation or another form of spiritual perfection. Monastics commit themselves to a life of simplicity, celibacy, detachment from worldly pursuits, and the contemplation of God.[87] A Hindu monk is called a sanyāsī, sādhu, or swāmi.[88] A female renunciate is called a sanyāsini. Renunciates receive high respect in Hindu society because their outward renunciation of selfishness and worldliness serves as an inspiration to householders who strive for mental renunciation. Some monastics live in monasteries, while others wander from place to place, trusting in God alone to provide for their needs.[89] It is considered a highly meritorious act for a householder to provide sādhus with food or other necessaries. Sādhus strive to treat all with respect and compassion, whether a person may be poor or rich, good or wicked, and to be indifferent to praise, blame, pleasure, and pain.[87]

Varnas and the caste system
Hindu society has traditionally been categorized into four classes, called Varnas (Sanskrit: "colour, form, appearance");[22]
the Brahmins: teachers and priests;
the Kshatriyas: warriors, nobles, and kings;
the Vaishyas: farmers, merchants, and businessmen; and
the Shudras: servants and labourers.
Hindus and scholars debate whether the caste system is an integral part of Hinduism sanctioned by the scriptures or an outdated social custom.[90][91] Although the scriptures, since the Rigveda (10.90), contain passages that clearly sanction the Varna system, they contain indications that the caste system is not an essential part of the religion. Both sides in the debate can find scriptural support for their views. The oldest scriptures, the Vedas, strongly sustain the division of society into four classes (varna) but place little emphasis on the caste system, mentioning it rarely and in a cursory manner. A verse from the Rig Veda indicates that a person's occupation was not necessarily determined by that of his family:
"I am a bard, my father is a physician, my mother's job is to grind the corn." (Rig Veda 9.112.3)[92]
In the Vedic Era, there was no prohibition against the Shudras listening to the Vedas or participating in any religious rite, as was the case in the later times.[93] Some mobility and flexibility within the varnas challenge allegations of social discrimination in the caste system, as has been pointed out by several sociologists.[94][95]
Many social reformers, including Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar, criticized caste discrimination.[96] The religious teacher Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) taught that
"Lovers of God do not belong to any caste . . . . A brahmin without this love is no longer a brahmin. And a pariah with the love of God is no longer a pariah. Through bhakti (devotion to God) an untouchable becomes pure and elevated."[97]
Ahimsa and vegetarianism
Hindus advocate the practice of ahiṃsā (non-violence) and respect for all life because divinity is believed to permeate all beings, including plants and non-human animals.[98] The term ahiṃsā appears in the Upanishads,[99] the epic Mahabharata[100] and Ahiṃsā is the first of the five Yamas (vows of self-restraint) in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.[101]
In accordance with ahiṃsā, many Hindus embrace vegetarianism to respect higher forms of life. While vegetarianism is not a requirement, it is recommended for a satvic (purifying) lifestyle. Estimates of the number of lacto vegetarians in India (includes inhabitants of all religions) vary between 20% and 42%.[102] The food habits vary with the community and region, for example some castes having fewer vegetarians and coastal populations relying on seafood.[103][104] Some Hindus avoid onion and garlic, which are regarded as rajasic foods. Some avoid meat on specific holy days.
Observant Hindus who do eat meat almost always abstain from beef. The largely pastoral Vedic people and subsequent generations relied heavily on the cow for protein-rich milk and dairy products, tilling of fields and as a provider of fuel and fertilizer. Thus, it was identified as a caretaker and a maternal figure. Hindu society honors the cow as a symbol of unselfish giving. Cow-slaughter is legally banned in almost all states of India.[105]
Since the Hindu scriptures are essentially silent on the issue of religious conversion, the question of whether Hindus should evangelize is open to interpretation.[106] Those who see Hinduism mainly as a philosophy or a way of life generally believe that one can convert to Hinduism by incorporating Hindu beliefs into one's life and considering oneself a Hindu.[106] Others view Hinduism as an ethnicity more than as a religion and believe one can only become a Hindu by being born into a Hindu family. Such people tend to assume that only people with Indian ancestry can be Hindus.[107] The Supreme Court of India has taken the former view, holding that the question of whether a person is a Hindu should be determined by the person's belief system, not by their ethnic or racial heritage.[108]
There is no formal process for converting to Hinduism, although in many traditions a ritual called dīkshā ("initiation") marks the beginning of spiritual life. Most Hindu sects do not actively recruit converts because they believe that the goals of spiritual life can be attained through any religion, as long as it is practiced sincerely.[109] Nevertheless, Hindu "missionary" groups operate in various countries to provide spiritual guidance to persons of any religion. Examples include the Vedanta Society, Parisada Hindu Dharma, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Arya Samaj and the Self-Realization Fellowship.

All About Hindu Gods n Goddesses 1:Durga

Durga in the Hindu tradition

The Goddess Durga

According to the narrative from the Devi Mahatmya of the Markandeya Purana, the form of Durga was created as a warrior goddess to fight a demon. The demon's father Rambha, king of the demons, once fell in love with a water buffalo, and Mahishasur was born out of this union. He is therefore able to change between human and buffalo form at will (mahisha means "buffalo"). Through intense prayers to Brahma, Mahishasura had the boon that he could not be defeated by any man or god. He unleashed a reign of terror on earth, heaven and the nether worlds.

Eventually, since only a woman could kill him, the trinity bestowed a dazzling beam of energy upon the Goddess Trinity (Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati), transforming her into the goddess, Durga. Her form was blindingly beautiful with three lotus-like eyes, eight powerful hands, lush black hair with beautiful curls, a red-golden glow from her skin and a quarter moon on her forehead. She wore a shiny oceanic blue attire emitting fierce rays. Her ornaments were carved beautifully of gold, with ocean pearls and precious stones embedded in it. Her face was sculpted by Shiva, torso by Indra, breasts by Chandra (the moon), teeth by Brahma, bottom by the Earth, thighs and knees by Varuna (water), and her three eyes by Agni (fire). Each god also gave her their own most powerful weapons, Rudra's trident, Vishnu's discus, Indra's thunderbolt, Brahma's kamandal, Kuber's gada(Mace), etc.

Himalayas gifted her a fierce whitish golden lion. On the end of the 8th and beginning of the 9th day of waxing moon, Chanda and Munda came to fight the goddess. She turned blue with anger and goddess Chamunda leaped out of her third eye. Her form was the most powerful one with 3 red eyes, blood-filled tongue and dark skin; who finally killed the twin demons with her sword. This form of the divine goddess is worshipped during the sandhikshan of Durga Puja festival, as sandhi/chandi puja. Finally on the tenth day of waxing moon, goddess Durga killed Mahishasura with her trident.

The word Shakti, meaning strength, reflects the warrior aspect of the goddess, embodying a traditional male role. She is also strikingly beautiful, and initially Mahishasura tries to marry her. Other incarnations include Annapurna and Karunamayi (karuna = kindness).

Durga Puja Celebrations in West Bengal.Over there it's one of the biggest festivals to be celebrated

The 4 day Durga Puja is the biggest annual festival in Bengal and other parts of Eastern India, but it is celebrated in various forms throughout the Hindu universe.
The day of Durga's victory is celebrated as Vijaya Dashami (East and South India), Dashain (
Nepal) or Dussehra (North India) - these words literally mean "the tenth" (day), vijaya means "of-victory". In Kashmir she is worshipped as shaarika (the main temple is in Hari Parbat in Srinagar).

The actual period of the worship however may be on the preceding nine days followed by the last day called Vijayadashami in North India or five days in Bengal, (from the sixth to tenth day of the waxing-moon fortnight). Nine aspects of Durga known as Navadurga are meditated upon, one by one during the nine-day festival by devout shakti worshippers.
In North India, this tenth day, signifying
Rama's victory in his battle against the demon Ravana, is celebrated as Dussehra - gigantic straw effigies of Ravana are burnt in designated open spaces (e.g. Delhi's Ram Lila grounds), watched by thousands of families and little children.

In Gujarat it is celebrated as the last day of Navaratri, during which the Garba dance is performed to celebrate the vigorous victory of Mahishasura-mardini Durga.
The Goddess Durga worshipped in her peaceful form as Shree
Shantadurga also known as santeri , is the patron Goddess of Goa. She is worshipped by all Goan Hindus irrespective of caste and even by some Christians in Goa.
Goddess Durga is worshipped in many temples of
Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My first poem!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys sorry for the long absence,but I cudn't think of any thing I wanted to write about.
i wrote this poem on a night wen i coldn't sleep,and i was pretty surprised wen it turned out to be this poem!!! I was the kind of guy who always left out the essay type questions b'cos i didn't know how to elaborate on the answers!!!!!!!!Still this is not the only poem i have written,there is another one,bt i am posting this one up on the net first to be sure of the kind of response i get.
if u guys want some more poems, i can get some very good ones written by my friends,with their permission.

Do comment and tell me how u find it,ok?? Please!!!!!!!!!!

I love no one,'cos I am not capable of loving anymore.
I feel nothing,
No happiness,
No sadness,
No Love,
No hatred,
I am Nothing,
I am hollow,
I don't want to live,
Neither do I want to die

They say time heals all wounds.
Does it?
Does it?
I am still as numb as i was when death came
And touched her on the shoulder,
My love, you told me to live on,
So I am living,
But I am not alive,
I am just a walking corpse.

The Memories of our time together are golden,
They remain etched forever in my brain,
As the only time I was alive.

I am Hollow,
I am Hollow,
I am dead inside,
Just a living corpse,
Just a living corpse.

PS:also suggest a title for it!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hey guys wat the heck!!!!! I just decided to put both my poems on the net!!!!!!!Do tell me how it is

Some days i wanna get up n call it quits,

I feel like i'm surrounded by a wall of bricks,

Each time i try to get up i just fall in pits,

But then the sight of you helps me to survive in it...

Somedays i feel you're the only one i can trust,

In a world where sanity has bitten the dust,

Where the innocent are slaughtered for money n fame,

And the angel of death has a free n mighty reign...

But with you around,

There's still some sanity left to be found,

You're the silver lining on the big black clouds,

But when i turn around, you're nowhere to be found...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Having fun wid Relatives

Hey I'm having fun with my relatives in Bhopal(The capital of Madhya Pradesh,A state in India)

The weather over here's very pleasant,the kind where u don't wanna wake up from sleep,or if u do, spend the whole day just riding your mobike from one place to another without stopping, or

jus' laze the day away.

The day before yesterday, we went to this place they call the boat club.It's a place beside a huge lake called the Bhopal lake.We were originally suposed to go on a ten minute ride on a speed boat,but we changed or minds at the last minute when we found that the steamer which is usually overbooked for cruises.It was supposed to be very good,'cos neither my cousins or i had ever been on it,so we were goin by what my uncle told us.

The steamer docked and we made a line like "civilised"people(Actually i think that by our own standards animals are more civilised!!!)

Then the guy manning the entry gate into the steamer made a fatal mistake:He let a group of tourists in who did not hav to join the line,didn't have tickets,before he let us,the guys in the line with tickets,in.

Needless to say,Everyone was so angry at him, that they started to tear him apart.

But i was sorry for the guy,u know!!The poor guy was,in all probability was jus' following orders from his boss!!!

Any way after that bit of unleasantness, we all got on the boat,n we took the best seats:)

Then the steamer starts up n goes out of the harbour,n the guy on the music console starts songs from the era of my great grandpa!!!!!

Man i almost fell asleep on the cruise!!! I went up to the guy n asked him to play something from this century,n he obliged,playing popular hindi songs.Atlast we started to enjoy the cruise.

Anyway after that we went to a restaurant,ordered good food.As soon as we went into the restaurant the elctircity went off!!! We had to have a candlelight dinner!!!!!
Then the rain came.Man it rained!!The roads were flooded!! On top of it my elder uncle,who has just learned to drive,backed his car into an excavation pit!!!! The end result was that he had one wheel hanging in free air,n the car tilted at a ridiculous angle!!
My brother n I had to go in to th pit n push upwards while uncle put the car in forward first gear n pulled the car out on the firm road!!!!

The Next day my parents went off to Delhi,n I am going on the 17th,which i suspect is tomorow.

ok guys, i'll hav to go now.
PS: My sister went to look at the cut off lists n i am pleased to say that she got thru in the college!!!!!!
so we r goin out as a celebration!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

How r the pics above?? i have more,which i'll post tomorow.

am goin home finally!!!

Hey man i'm goin home.Finally.

My exams finished on the 7th of June,n after that a friend n i went to a place called Shirdi.It's supposed to be a holy place of a man called Sai Baba.The temple to him was HUGE, n the Queue out there was unbelievable!!!!!I mean we reached there at 4 in the morning,after having taken a luxury bus from the station at 11:30 PM. We reached there around 4 in the morning, then were shuttled to the temple.And, at 5 in the morning,the queue (if it was straightened out) would have measured at least a mile or two long!!!!!!I was wondering for how long the people at the front of the line were waiting!!!

Anyway,the line started moving(atlast!!!!,i thought),and the Aarti(the ceremonies that are performed upon opening the temple for the day)was performed.It was an awe inspiring sight!!!

I mean the statue to Sai baba was at least 6feet tall,in a sitting pos'n.The priests first took of the cloth draped around it, then washed the statue,the sanctum sanctorum around it,all the time chanting prayers(they sounded like gibberish to me,but i suppose that it has a meaning,or they wouldn't do it,would they?) Anyway after that we went outside to look for our shoes,but found that we had come out from some other gate than the one we went in.So we started lookin for it,

n found it around half an hour later.

time is now around 7AM,and i was feeling very sleepy,but my friend was wide awake.

He suggested that we go to Shani Signapuri, another holy place about 50 to 60 kilometers

away.I assented, so we went to see if we cud get a bus there.Turned out that a family was goin there,so we we asked them for a lift.

One of the most amazing things about the place is that None of the houses, shops and the other places have doors or shutters!!!! I mean that's so amazin!!in this day n age,wen thieves are breaking into every place, thee places hav no doors!!!!!!!!

It's said that anyone who steals there will go mad and not be able to go out of the village!!!!

Over there, before going into the temple, we had to have a compulsory bath,n only then cud we go into the temple!!!!

Anyway this one was also impressive,but nowhere near the Shirdi Sai baba temple.

The thing in this temple is that there are n priests in there, so u hav to do the ceremonies yourself!!!!!!

A big change from the other temples,I must say!!

Now after that we went back to Shirdi,reaching there around 3 in the afternoon.Then we went to see if there was a bus to take us back to Pune. Found one n bought a ticket for close to 200 bucks!!!

We reached Pune around in the night.At this point we had been on the road for around 24 hours!!!!

Wen we reached Pune,i went to my room in the hostel,somehow took off my clothes, had a bath,
then went off to sleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

I was woken up by a phone call by the bloody idiots in the phone company at six in the morning the next day,calling me up to see if i wanted to download ringtones.I gave them all the choicest abuse i cud think of,n told'em to call up at a decent time,like around 12:30PM.

From then on,i partied the night away!!!!