Apocalyptica - Enter the Sandman (Orignally By Metallica)

Apocalyptica Fade To Black (originally By Metallica)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Castle Falls HDR (Castlefalls-DSC_2860.jpg)

this is an image i found on Flickr. isn't it a beautiful image?
even though it's the result of Photoshop,according to what the author says,it still takes my breath away,n makes me wish i lived in a place where sights like this are possible.
I live in a city n it's so congested that i feel smothered.

The truth about my self

I am going to classes, coming back, studying what i do in the classes, go out with friends,do everything ,in short that every one does.

And to escape the monotony of life,i read mindless novels,fantasy novels,and am an internet junkie. every obe sees my false smiles n thinks that i am really happy.I'm not!!

On the net,i first check out my blog,then watch some videos on youtube,etc. but none of this takes me away from the monotony of life.
I hate the monotony of life.I am good at doing things on a computer,my parents think that i am enjoying life,but i am not.

i am just going thru the motions of life.
i know that what i will say next is shocking,but i don't care for anyone!!
i know that if some one who knows me reads this,they will be shocked and leave me,but i feel that i need to get it out of my system,my mind.My very soul cries out for me to atleast care for someone,but whom? when my sister told me a guy was stalking her, i showed i was angry and told the guy to fuck off,but i didn't feel any anger,i was just detached from the world,as i am detached now.
it's like i am watching this from above,and watch my body react with the expected reactions.

Am i a zombie?is that right or wrong??i don't know.

all i know that i want to escape the world,i don't want to live in this world. In the words of Robbie Williams's excellent song,Feel,"I don't want to die,But ain't i keen on living either."am i a zombie? who knows, maybe i am.i fake feelings for a girl,but i don't have feelings for anyone.is that shocking?i feel empty inside for almost as long as i can remember.

is it some thing that i feel alone?Y do i feel empty is a question i've never asked,but was forced to ask this when i read this post on the blog of a person i respect.:http://cruelvirgin.blogspot.com/do read it, it's very thought provoking.Atleast it did provoke this post.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Y die??

Die for your country, they say
Die for your beliefs,they say
Die for your family,they say


Y not live for your country?
Y not live for your beliefs?
Y not live for your family?

what is this bug that people have in their minds?

Y die?

It's not that those who die are not gallant,
They are,
But those who live,too, are gallant.
living takes as much courage as dying,if not more.

A person who has died for his belief,
Will have his name in the annals of history,

A person who lives and fights for his beliefs is maligned as a traitor.
Yet he fights on,believing in himself,
As his name is trashed everywhere.
This is a person to be truly revered.

Do people think him wrong?Yes
Does he think hiomself wrong?No
And thus is born the root of all conflict.

weird wanderings of my mind!!!!

Hey guys this is something i wrote in the middle of my SOM class!!!!

Friendship is an illusion,
u talk to people with a false smile pasted on ur face,
while u r dying inside,
ur mind,ur very soul is poisoned inside,
u think that a person is nice,
all the while she has a hidden aenda ,
she thinks only of herself.

Trust?What is trust?
The person who trusts is a idiot,
Brother killing brother,
Girls raped by their own fathers,
Children throwing out parents,
It's a weird,weird world.

Y make a promise u know u can't keep??
Y put a person on a pedestal & then knock him down for no fault of theirs?

Times change everything,they say.
Does it?
All the things people go panting after,
tongues hanging out like dogs.
It really bears thinking,
Does all tis really bring happiness??
Or do u,once u reach the top,feel lonely??

Everyone knows u,But no one KNOWS U!!!!
U have everything you want,But nothing u need

Love?What is love?
I don't know,
All i know is that those who get it are very lucky.

The biggest idiot is the who has it and is yet unhappy!!
There is nothing greater than that,Fool!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Professor!!!!!!

This happened to me yesterday.It's my preparation leave goin on, i might add.

We have a professor called S.S.Kadam.The guy is the biggest assfole i have ever met,but this has redefined the heights of his meanness!!!!

This guy was on leave during the time we had to get our Machine Drawing sheets checked.

When he returned it was the Prep Leave,and he called us yesterday at 9 am to check our sheets.

When we reached the college we found that he hadn't reached there yet.So we decided to wait for him. In the end he did show his bloody face,but told us to wait for a minute while he went to mark his attendance.

We waited.And waited.And kept on waiting.The guy returned after 2 hours(1pm) and told us to wait for another minute while he had his lunch.

The guy then dissappeared and returned after 2 hours again to tell us to wait for him, he would be returning in 2 minutes.

Then he dissapeared and returned with a laptop and told us that he couldn't check our sheets after all!!!!!

He wasted a whole day of ours and then told us to return the day after tomorow!!!!!!

If he could not check our sheets that day he could have just told us,instead of wasting a whole day of ours!!!!our exams start in 20 days, and the asshole wasted one precious day of ours!!!!!

I could have prepared a topic in that time!!!!

just a rant i needed to get out of my system.

i give him a kick up the ass!!!!!!!!!!